Sunday, January 3, 2010's...cold...

So, I've been really pondering how to go about changing the things in my life that I want to see changed. It seems like such a daunting task, but I know that babysteps will eventually add up to much ground covered. (babysteps to the elevator...)

Basically, I've come up with an overall plan, and the first couple of babysteps on how to get there. The large goal I've laid out for myself this year is the Zoo Run in the fall for the polar bears. Obviously, I'll have to implement some type of exercise regimine and tear myself away from the refined sugars that make up the majority of my personal food pyramid.

As for exercise, my husband once said to me that I'm never truly happy unless I'm out there (pointing out the window) running around. I have to admit, he's right. I have little to no interest in the gym. The most physically fit I've ever been in my life was when I didn't own a car and traipsed hither and yon on a daily basis. Torrential downpour? Still had to go. Snow up to my kneecaps? Still had to go. Icy enough that I fell three times getting across the street? Still had to go.

So, with this in mind, I woke up this morning with the idea that I was going to do some sort of physical activity outside despite negative temperature wind chills and snow. I didn't want to on any level. I did, however, wind up spending time outside with my kids and my parents helping them get their driveway shoveled. Score 1!! Physical activity outside achieved!!

I won't lie. It sucked. I did realize, though, that the entire idea of physically exerting oneself outside in extremely cold weather is really not all that bad. Once I really started working, the cold didn't really matter all that much. In fact, I worked up a sweat. Next challenge: continue. Work up a sweat again tomorrow even if all I do is walk down the block. My goal for the month is to walk at least five days a week through January to build a fitness base to begin actually training for running.

Foodwise? I don't want to get caught up in a diet. I don't want to be restricted on what I can and can't have, when I can eat and whether or not it's going to blow some plan that was made up by someone who is obsessed with every morsel that enters their mouth. Obsession - bad. Learning behavior for lifetime rewards - excellent. I'm still not 100% positive as to what approach I'm going to take, but my first babystep is to fall back in love with drinking water.

As for my goal of writing daily . . . 2 days down. Today's ramblings seem to be just that . . . ramblings. I don't really see gems here, I'm just happy I wrote again regardless of what came out. I'm sure as I move through the next month I'll think of more things to say other than "what the hell am I doing?!".

Oh well...

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